How to temporarily transmit information to someone else’s computer

How to temporarily #transmit information (such as a long string of URLs) to a new or someone else’s computer without using instant messaging software (such as WeChat or QQ)

  1. Put hard-to-remember information into a text document.txt
  2. Open the website of Cow Express:
  3. Add files and start uploading
  4. Get a 6-digit pickup code (or QR code)
  5. Enter the pickup code on the new computer
奶牛快傳- 4 GB 線上免費檔案傳輸分享服務,不僅快速連廣告都讓你覺得美與舒服- TechMoon 科技月球

Similar services include:

  • Copy Rabbit ( support pick-up code, QR code, burn after reading by @SmpKong added
  • Uncle Wen ( supports uploading single/multiple/entire folders; supports online text writing and generates txt files; supports pickup codes and QR codes added by @RedSpray
  • Generated short chains are easy to type, e.g. added by @todayread (channel)
  • Light Documentation ( by @t0315
  1. Open
  2. Assign a 4-digit character, eg
  3. Enter information
  4. Enter on another device

You can customize 4 characters (numbers are supported) and use the same URL every time. This also means that the information you share may be bumped into by others, so writing sensitive information is not recommended. Added by @sjs99

  • A private text sharing platform that supports code highlighting, password protection, and burning after reading by @StickyIroningot added
  • Support setting validity period and password by @axcvno Supplement
  • | supplemented by @rss_channels (channels)
  • No need for pickup code and URL suffix, just enter in the network environment and you can use it (if the information is not synchronized, please temporarily turn off the wall flipping function) by @TheShortcut (channel) Supplement
  • Simple.Savr – A site for temporary sharing of text or files on a local area network without logging in by @appinnfeed

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